Simple Tips to Reduce Mosquitoes

Simple Tips to Reduce Mosquitoes:  Recent periods of heavy rain may have resulted in accumulation of stagnant water on your property.  Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitos.  Mosquito bites have the potential to transmit disease. Help keep your community safe and take preventative actions to prevent mosquito breeding in your neighborhood and reduce the risks of vector-borne illnesses.   

  • EMPTY and SCRUB containers with standing water at least once a week. This includes flower pots, saucers, buckets, watering cans, bird baths, pet water bowls, toys, and trash containers.
  • DRAIN standing water from unused items: pools, covers, tarps, debris and folds in plastic fabrics.
  • REMOVE debris. Even small trash items (bottle caps) can be a breeding site.
  • CLEAN gutters and downspouts regularly so they flow freely.
  • REPLACE flexible downspout extensions.
  • FIX leaking hose spigots.
  • MOW lawns regularly and REMOVE weeds and leaf debris near your home.
  • CAP fence posts.
  • SEEK help if needed. Ground surfaces with chronic ponding issues may need to be evaluated by a professional.

For more information on mosquito control, please visit the following websites: