General Township Information
271 Clarksville Road
P.O. Box 38
West Windsor, New Jersey 08550
Telephone: 609-799-2400 Fax: 609-799-2044
Municipal Office Hours: Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Stay Informed:
Affordable Housing:
For information on Affordable Housing in West Windsor, contact Piazza & Associates at 609-786-1100.
Home or business alarm systems MUST BE REGISTERED with the Police Department. There is an annual renewal fee of $25.00 due January 1st and payable by March 31st. Click Here
Baby Clinic (Well Baby Clinic):
Our local Child Health Center offers free immunizations and well child check-ups, developmental assessments, nutritional and educational materials to residents with children on Medicaid or who have no health insurance. Appointments can be made by calling 609-443-4000 ext 222.
Birth & Death Certificates:
Contact the Health Department at (609) 936-8400.
Black Bear Information:
Black bears are now recognized as an important natural resource in New Jersey and as part of the state's heritage. They have been sighted throughout the state. People can see bears in forests when they are hiking and camping, and some people even see bears in their yards. The links below, from the NJ DEP Division of Fish & Wildlife, provide information on how residents can best co-exist with bears. The most important recommendation is don’t feed bears and keep garbage covered. It is illegal in New Jersey to feed black bears either intentionally or unintentionally. Anyone who feeds bears could face a penalty of up to $1,000 for each offense.
Report bear damage, nuisance behavior, or aggressive bears to the West Windsor Township Police Department at (609) 799-1222 and to the NJ DEP hotline at (877) 927-6337.
- Black Bears on the Hunt for Food; Don’t Feed Them –
- Bear Facts for Homeowners –
Community Profile:
- West Windsor Township was incorporated in 1797 encompassing six hamlets: Port Mercer, Penn's Neck, Clarksville, Grover's Mill, Dutch Neck, and Edinburg. Prior to incorporation, West Windsor, founded by William Penn in 1682, encompassed all of Princeton Township and Borough, and East Windsor. By the 1800's, this prosperous farming community was prized for its central location between New York and Philadelphia. A seventh hamlet was added called Princeton Junction when the northeast corridor rail station was added in the 1860s.
Today, West Windsor is a major center for research, retail, and corporate offices with a population of approximately 27,000 residents within its 27 square miles.
Construction Permits :
To obtain permits for additions, decks, etc. contact the Construction Department at (609) 799-8490.
Dog and Cat Licenses:
All dogs and cats over the age of seven months must be registered. New registrations are taken throughout the year. Renewals: dogs during January, and cats during April.
Rabies Clinic:
A current rabies vaccination is needed to register each animal. Free Rabies Clinics are held in January and April. Contact the Health Department at 936-8400 for specific details.
"Leash Law" Dogs must be leashed when off the owner's premises.
"Pooper Scooper Law" Owners must immediately remove any feces deposited by their dog on the curb line or on other public property. Feces should be placed in a closed bag and discarded with the owner's garbage. No person shall allow their dog to defecate upon any public or private property except with the permission of the property owner.
Firearm Discharge:
- Please be advised that pursuant to West Windsor Township Code, any person(s) desiring to discharge firearms or to hunt in West Windsor Township must obtain a copy of Chapter 86: Firearms. An electronic copy may be accessed here for the convenience of hunters and others owning firearms.
Please make particular note of § 86-2. Prohibited acts. This paragraph defines No Firearm Zones within the Township.
Fire and Emergency Services Division:
45 Sean Kehler Way (Everett Drive)
West Windsor, NJ 08550
General Assistance:
Financial assistance (municipal welfare) is available to West Windsor residents with no dependent children. 799-9068. Families with dependent children should contact Mercer County Board of Social Services 609-989-4320
Library: Mercer County, West Windsor Branch (799-0462) is located at 333 North Post Road. Entrance is via North Post Road.
Monday - Thursday 9:30am - 9:00pm
Friday 9:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday 9:30am - 5:00pm
Sunday* 12:30pm - 5:00pm
Lost & Found:
West Windsor Township has a Lost and Found where items left or dropped in and around the Municipal Building are retained. Please stop by the Front Desk of the Municipal Building if you think that you may have left or dropped an item. All items must be verified.
Parks and Recreation Facilities
Police Department:
Police Division
20 Municipal Dr.
West Windsor, NJ 08550
Phone: 609-799-1222
Radon: Radon test kits and consultations are available from the Health Department at (609) 936-8400 for a fee of $30.00.
Recreation: (609) 799-6141 Also see "Parks & Recreation" Year around programs are offered for youth and adults. These include swimming, tennis, basketball, volleyball, golf lessons, summer camp, prime time programs, ski trips, sports camps, summer basketball leagues, wrestling, fencing and other recreational activities. Special events are held throughout the year, including a summer concert series and a golf classic. Announcements of programs and special events are published in local papers and Program Directories for "Spring - Summer" and "Fall - Winter."
Roundabout Safety for Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorists
Senior Center:
The Senior Center is the community focal point for programs and services for West Windsor residents 55 years and older. Health, educational, recreational, social and inter-generational activities and programs are provided. The Center also serves as a resource for programs and services available to senior citizens on a local, state and national level. For more information, please contact 799-9068.
Monday - Friday 8:00 am. to 4:00 pm
Septic Systems:
To avoid waste buildup, septic tanks should be pumped every one to three years depending on usage. For further information, contact the Health Department at 936-8400. Additional information can be found in the following NJ DEP publication:
Sewer Billing:
Sewer bills are due March 1 and September 1. Residents can drop off checks (NOT CASH) for sewer and tax payments after hours in the lockbox located in front of the municipal building.
Sidewalk Repair & Tree Trimming Law:
Homeowners are responsible for the maintenance and repair of sidewalks abutting their property. Low or hazardous tree branches are required to be trimmed. Homeowners could be liable for injuries sustained due to hazardous sidewalk conditions.
Smoke Detectors/Carbon Monoxide Detectors/Fire Extinguishers:
A compliance certificate must be obtained by all owners prior to sale or rental indicating that the residence has a smoke detector alarm device on each level of the structure. Contact the Division of Emergency Services (799-2400) for details.
Snow Removal Law:
Township ordinances require that snow and ice be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours after the snow stops. However, homeowners near a school or a high pedestrian traffic area should be mindful of clearing ice and snow as soon as possible. Owners should also clear bus stop areas for the children to safely wait to board their buses.
Social Services:
Information, referrals, and counseling on all issues of social concerns - please contact (609) 799-9068.
County Welfare:
For those with/without dependent children - please contact the Mercer County Board of Social Services at (609) 989-4320.
Street Lighting:
To report a street light which is not functioning in your neighborhood first note the location of the street light, and nearest house number or cross street. Then check your electric bill for the utility company that provides the electric service for your area. Then, to report the outage, do one of the following:
If PSE&G call (800) 436-7734 or report on-line at: JCP&L (a First Energy Company) call (800) 662-3115 or report on-line at:
Vacant House Program:
A vacant house Police check is available for residents when on vacation. For more information or to register for this program, contact the Police Department (799-1222).
Volunteer Applications:
Residents interested in volunteering their services to the community on a municipal board/commission can obtain "Volunteer Application" forms at the Municipal Building Reception Desk, by calling the Municipal Building (609) 799-2400 or download the form from the Township website (see Forms and Permits).
Voter Registration:
Residents can register to vote in person at the Municipal Building, obtain a mail-in form by calling the Township Clerk (609) 799-2400 or download the form from the Township website (see Forms and Permits).
Well Water:
Owners of private wells should test their well water once a year as a precautionary measure. For further information, contact the Health Department at (609) 936-8400.
Women, Infants, and Children Clinic (WIC):
N.J. WIC Services provide supplemental nutritious foods to pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and children up to the age of five. For more information and eligibility requirement, please call (609) 989-3320 ext. 2.
Yard Waste Collection:
Public Works provides collection of yard waste during months March -December for residents who reside on Township roads. Residents may only place yard waste at the curb or along the street during the seven (7) days prior to a scheduled and announced collection. Failure to adhere to the guidelines for yard waste collection may result in a penalty being imposed on the homeowner. For detailed information reference Yard Waste Collection on the Township website.