Health News 

february american heart monthheart stress

February is American Heart Month - An important time of year where we raise awareness about heart disease, as it is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States (CDC, 2024). All individuals are encouraged to focus on their cardiovascular health by staying physically active, monitoring blood pressure, preparing heart-healthy meals, getting quality sleep, and so much more! To learn more about reducing the risk for heart disease and managing heart-related health conditions, please visit


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Yes, It is Still Important to Wash Your Hands!

Test Your Home for Radon - It's the Only Way to Know

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Avian Influenza (Bird Flu):

Avian influenza (bird flu) is a disease that spreads predominantly among wild birds, and in rare cases, spreads to humans and other mammals (such as cows). Those who spend time with birds or livestock, or in spaces contaminated with the virus, are at a greater risk of infection. For up-to-date information on avian influenza in the US, please visit the CDC website at:

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