Arbor Day Art Contest & Celebration

Outdoor Learning: The Importance of Trees!

Calling all K-8 Students! 2025 West Windsor Shade Tree Commission Arbor Day Student Art Contest is Here!

Open to all WWP K-8 students and equivalent West Windsor students who are home-schooled or attending private school. Imagine seeing the world through the eyes of a tree. How would all the different seasons look? What about the rain and wind, and even snow? How about all the animals that live in a tree? Or the people that live nearby? Show us through your artwork what a tree might see! Cash prizes for winning Artwork, which will be displayed by the Township at the Annual Arbor Day Celebration and in the municipal building! Submissions of art work with a completed entry form are due to the town by Thursday, March 27, 2025.

Click HERE for Full Details and Entry Form!

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