Stormwater Management and Pollution Control
Why Stormwater Management?

Stormwater management is the process of controlling the negative impacts to stormwater runoff resulting from land use changes, and most frequently those caused by land development.   Also, human activities are largely responsible for the pollution found in our stormwater runoff. The EPA has cited urban stormwater as the largest contributor of pollutants to our waterways. Everything that we put on the ground or into the storm drain can end up in our streams and ponds including Grover’s Mill Pond, the Millstone River, Duck Pond Run, the D&R Canal and Lake Mercer. Some of it percolates down into our groundwater supplies.  The D&R Canal is also a source of drinking water in our area.  Each of us has a responsibility to make sure contaminants stay out of our waters. Be the solution to runoff pollution!

The State’s official definition of stormwater under the N.J.A.C. 7:14A rules is as follows:

'Stormwater' means water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land's surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, or is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewage or drainage facilities, or conveyed by snow removal equipment.
The following are steps West Windsor Township has taken since the State of New Jersey adopted the Stormwater Management rules, N.J.A.C. 7:8:  

Stormwater Documents:

Stormwater Control Ordinance (SCO), Article XXI § 200-99 thru 200-109: A “major development” is typically required to design the project to address stormwater impacts due to the quantity of stormwater produced, the quality of the stormwater runoff, and also must provide for groundwater recharge equal to predevelopment recharge. 

In 2021, the Township required that Green Infrastructure Best Management Practices (“GI BMPs”) and nonstructural stormwater management strategies like low impact development (LID) shall be utilized to meet the goal of maintaining natural hydrology to reduce stormwater runoff volume, reduce erosion, encourage infiltration and groundwater recharge, as well as reduce pollution.  GI BMPs and LID are to be developed based upon the physical site conditions and the origin, nature and the anticipated amount of potential pollutants.  Multiple stormwater management BMPs may be necessary on a project to achieve the established performance standards for water quality, quantity, and groundwater recharge.

In 2024, the Township required that major development projects be designed to account for anticipated impacts of increased rainfall over time due to climate change. Based on statistical analysis of rainfall data, the State has published correction factors to be applied to rainfall rates for both current conditions and projected future conditions at current greenhouse gas emission rates. Major developments have to show they will adequately function and meet standards for both scenarios.  

Stormwater management is reviewed by Township Land Use boards at the time of each major development’s application so as to insure adequate stormwater management features are provided. These features can include bioretention basins, infiltration basins, dry wells, rain gardens, water quality swales, porous pavement (concrete or asphalt) and any other features which has been installed for stormwater management purposes.

After a major project’s construction, maintenance of stormwater facilities is critical so as to prevent negative impacts within the development and upon neighboring properties.  Each project must identify a “person” who is responsible for maintenance of private stormwater management facilities. This person is also responsible to evaluate how effective the maintenance plan is, at least once per year, and adjust the plan, as needed to improve its effectiveness.    Records of routine maintenance activities and costs shall be kept at the property in order to demonstrate stormwater management facility maintenance, as per these local ordinances and also New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection regulations. Maintenance guidance can be found on the NJDEP’s website

Other Current Stormwater Ordinances:

Chapter 150 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

  • Illicit Connection, Article I § 150-1  thru 4 It is unlawful to connect any pipe or device to the municipal storm sewer system, or to spill or dump any material, other than Stormwater runoff or groundwater (via sump pumps) into the storm sewer system. The purpose of this Ordinance is to prevent pollution and contamination of waterways which receive discharge from our storm sewers. Discharge of sewage, wastewater, septic system or other waste discharge into the storm sewer system is prohibited. Roof drains and sump pumps discharging groundwater only are permitted.
  • Improper Disposal of WasteArticle II § 150-5 thru 8 It is illegal to dispose of waste in any place not specifically designated for the purpose of solid waste storage or disposal. The purpose of this Ordinance is to prevent unsanitary conditions and groundwater pollution, and the discharge of pollutants into the storm sewer system and receiving waterways. The days of dumping any unwanted or used items, including old lumber, waste oil, paint cans or other materials are ancient history.  
  • Litter Control Article III § 150-9 thru 14 It is unlawful to throw, drop, discard or otherwise place litter of any nature upon public or private property, other than in a litter receptacle. This prevents the creation of unsightly and unsanitary conditions, and prevents litter from impacting waterways due to bacterial contamination, excess nutrients and chemical pollutants. Please dispose of all your litter, including cigarette butts, in the trash.
  • Pet Waste, Article IV § 150-15 thru 19 Pet owners are required to pick up and properly dispose of pet waste dropped on public or other private property. This prevents bacterial contamination and excess nutrients in pet waste from impacting local waterways. Please pick up after your pets and throw it in the trash. 
  • Wildlife FeedingArticle V § 150-20 Feeding of wildlife on any public park, private deed restricted area (e.g., open space, greenbelt, conservation area), or on any other property owned or operated by the Township is prohibited. The purpose of this Ordinance is similar to the Pet Waste ordinance, because bacteria and excess nutrients in wildlife waste are harmful to humans and fish populations.
  • Yard Waste Collection ProgramArticle VI § 150-24 Yard Waste is regulated via Ordinances that establish the Township’s current zone collection system and the methods of collecting leaves, brush and other yard waste. This is to keep leaves and grass clippings out of the storm sewer system.  This also helps to reduce flooding which can be caused by direct dumping of waste into waterways. For all things yard waste in West Windsor, please visit Yard Waste Collection or contact Public Works at 609-799-8370.
  • Refuse Containers/DumpstersArticle VII § 150-28 All dumpsters and other refuse containers that are outdoors or otherwise exposed to stormwater must be covered at all times.  Also, the spilling, dumping, leaking, draining or other discharge of liquids, semi-liquids or solids from these containers into the storm sewer system is prohibited. Please keep your outdoor garbage cans and recycling bins covered. If you use a dumpster, please close the lid after each use.
  • Private Storm Drain Inlet RetrofittingArticle VIII § 150-33 All privately owned storm drain inlets in areas of repaving, repair, reconstruction, re-grading, resurfacing or other alterations of facilities on private property must be retrofitted to current standards.  This reduces the discharge of solids and floatables (such as plastic bottles, cans, food wrappers and other litter) into the storm sewer system and public waterways. The Township requires the use of eco-grates on all storm inlets. Please contact the Engineering Division should you require more information at 609-799-9396.
  • Privately-Owned De-Icing Material Storage, Article IX § 150-39 All privately owned permanent and temporary de-icing materials must be stored in a manner that prevents the materials from being exposed to stormwater. All materials must be kept completely covered in a pile that sheds water or must be stored indoors. This prevents dissolved pollutants from making their way into Township waterways and drinking water supplies. Temporary outdoor storage of loose materials is permitted between October 15th to April 15th while permanent structures can be used year-round. Any proposed temporary or permanent storage structure must have a Township Zoning Permit prior to construction, as well as a Construction Permit, if deemed necessary by the Township.

Chapter 170 Trees

Because both damage to, and removal of, healthy trees has a negative impact upon the community forest, tree canopy coverage, and related environmental impacts upon pollution, soil erosion and flooding, Chapter 170 has been amended to limit the removal of otherwise healthy trees in the community. Effective October 27, 2024, a Tree Removal Permit application will be required to be filed with the Township for all tree removals, including removal of dangerous trees. In some cases, applicants will have to provide for replacement trees in alternate locations or pay a fee to be used towards a Township tree replacement program. Additional information about this will be found on the Shade Tree Commission page 

Stormwater Coordinator Contact:
For more information and questions on the Township’s Stormwater Program please contact:

Francis Guzik, PE, CME
Director of Community Development and Township Engineer

Township of West Windsor
271 Clarksville Road
P.O. Box 38
West Windsor, NJ 08550
Telephone: (609) 799-2400
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Educational Links Stormwater Education Brochures & Handouts
Stormwater Facility Maintenance Guidance – Videos and Manuals Stormwater Pollution Flier
Rutgers Cooperative Research & Extension Stormwater Pollution Fact Sheet
NJ Green Infrastructure Pet Waste Flier
Clean Water NJ  
NJ Stormwater