New Tree Removal Permit Requirements for One-Family and Two-Family Residential Properties Starting October 27, 2024
Trees play a critical, often overlooked, role in the water cycle and in the mitigation of stormwater runoff issues such as soil erosion, pollutant reduction, infiltration, quantity reduction, and thermal effects. Legislation adopted by the State of New Jersey in 2023 required municipalities to adopt standards to ensure that towns are considering these valuable assets as part of their overall stormwater management efforts.
As a result of this legislation, West Windsor Township, through the recommendations of the Township Shade Tree Committee volunteers and advisors, has revised its Tree Removal Permit regulations to ensure the removal of healthy trees within the Township is limited. Where applications include more than 3 trees per acre in any 5-year period, they are to be offset by the replanting of replacement trees elsewhere on the property, when possible, or at other locations within West Windsor Township when replanting is not possible.
Ordinance 2024-08 was adopted revising Chapter 170 – Trees and includes the updated Tree Removal Permit requirements. Information on the changes has been posted to the Shade Tree Committee “Guidelines & Policy” page Additional information and new application forms will be posted to the website over the next several weeks.