(609) 799-0915 HOURS 9 AM - 4 PM
If you intend to plead not guilty to the offense charged in the Complaint and Summons and have a trial, you must notify the Court Administrator, whose address and telephone number are shown below of your intention at least 7 days prior to your scheduled court date. If you fail to notify the Court Administrator, it may be necessary to make 2 court appearances.
If you wish to plead guilty and give up your rights to have a lawyer and a trial, you may do so provided and provided . The more frequently charged State and/or Local Supplemental Violations Bureau offenses and prescribed penalties are listed below. You may also telephone the Violations Clerk to determine whether other offenses are listed on either the State or Local - Supplemental Violations Bureau Schedules and the amount of the penalty. If the Violations Bureau is authorized to dispose of this charge, complete in full the APPEARANCE, GUILTY PLEA AND WAIVER (see below) and bring or mail this Complaint and Summons, together with payment in the amount of the prescribed penalty, to the Violations Bureau at the address indicated below prior to your scheduled court date.
- "Court Appearance Required" has not been checked on the Complaint and Summons.
- The charge is listed on the Violations Bureau Schedule. The more frequently charged State and/or Local Supplemental Violations Bureau offenses and prescribed penalties can be found on the Costs pages under Penalties.
You may also telephone the Violations Clerk to determine whether other offenses are listed on either the State or Local - Supplemental Violations Bureau Schedules and the amount of the penalty
Complete in full the Appearance, Guilty Plea And Waiver (on the back of the ticket). Bring or mail the Complaint and Summons (ticket), together with payment in the amount of the prescribed penalty, to the Violations Bureau. The payment must arrive prior to your scheduled court date.
- Cash , check or money order is accepted when payment is made in person.
- Check or money orders should be made payable to "West Windsor Court." Please print the ticket number on the front of the check or money order in the memo portion of the check.
*Payment received after the scheduled court appearance date may be assessed additional penalties. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a receipt.